Lifestyle September 22, 2020

Housing and Hotel Complex Planned for Warner Center Fry’s Property

Plans call for more than 1.1 million square feet of new construction

Lifestyle July 12, 2020

Shifting Into Night Work

Most of us aren’t used to working all night, but with many of us working from home, chances are your schedule has
changed. Here are some strategies to get into the groove of working a night shift:

  • Manage your sleep during the day— not just how long, but how soundly.
  • Get rid of all distractions, especially the phone.
  • Try to sleep at the same time every day.
  • Keep sleeping temperature about 68 degrees.
  • Use earplugs to keep noise at bay. You can also muffle intrusive sounds with a fan or “white noise” machine.
  • Accept changes in your schedule. Don’t try to maintain your normal routine; keep social events and family outings at times that fit your new work schedule needs.
  • Eat light at night and get extra servings of fruits and veggies, cereal, pasta and rice.